interactive concerts for kids

Activities: LEARN / Music and Animals

Music and Animals

Carnival of the Animals

In 1886 Camille Saint-Saens wrote this suite for the private enjoyment of his friends, but it soon became one of his most popular works!

Each of the suite’s 14 movements represents a different animal!


Can you pick out some of the instruments you hear that represent each animal?


Music and Poetry

Just as nature inspires composers, music can inspire other artists to create! In 1949 the poet Ogden Nash wrote a series of poems to accompany each movement.



Carnival of the Animals with poems by Ogden Nash


Peter and the Wolf

In 1936 Sergei Prokofiev was commissioned by the Central Children’s Theater in Moscow to write a musical symphony for children. His ‘symphonic fairytale for children’ is told by a narrator and accompanied by the instruments. It has since become one of the most performed works in the classical repertoire.

Each character of this tale is represented by a corresponding instrument in the orchestra: the bird by a flute, the duck by an oboe, the cat by a clarinet playing staccato in a low register, the grandfather by a bassoon, the wolf by three horns, Peter by the string quartet, the shooting of the hunters by the kettle drums and bass drum.